¨ ericamichaela -

I would fly to the moon and back if you be... If you be my baby

I would fly to the moon and back if you be...
If you be my baby
I've got a ticket for a world where we, we belong
So would you be my baby?

Är trött, sängen nästa. Puss!

Postat av: manuela hansson

vill du ha bloggsvar?

2010-10-14 @ 00:58:38
URL: http://manuelahansson.blogg.se/
Postat av: linni

Fin blogg :)

2010-10-14 @ 01:41:03
URL: http://www.linnic.com
Postat av: guevacci

kom just till skolan..sent :/ dudå?

2010-10-14 @ 12:08:04
URL: http://guevacci.blogg.se/

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